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    Science Adopted Curriculum

    K-2: STEMscopes
    Grades 3-8: Amplify Science

    WCSD teachers create an environment that allows students to expand and deepen their knowledge of their world around them through inquiry, scientific practices and engineering. With the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), science instruction has undergone many
    conceptual shifts to enhance science education and student achievement. According to The Science Framework for California Public School: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve “in the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS), students need to do more than simply know about science; they need to know core science and engineering ideas, do science and engineering, and think like scientists and engineers.”  See the Framework Summary for an NGSS overview as well as examples of grade level specific instructional segments. 

    With the support of Walnut Creek Education Foundation, every elementary school site has a Science Specialist that supports teachers in providing a lab experience aligned to the classroom content.  The middle school science program implements the Preferred Integrated Model adopted by the State Board of Education which focuses on integrating science disciplines around phenomena and cross cutting concepts for grades 6-8.